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Access (User Role) Issue

Updated: Sep 20, 2023

Having trouble accessing features and functions of X-Analytics? We may have the fix you need.

X-Analytics User Roles

Within the X-Analytics application, there are three user roles:

  1. User: This the most common role. Access is limited to the assigned profile or profiles. The user role has two options:

    1. Editor: This role gives an individual permission to access the profile builder, all dashboards, and all interactive tools. Since this individual has access to the profile builder, this individual can make changes to the profile (such as modifying Company Exposure, Threat, and Cyber Maturity). Additionally, this individual can add and edit suppliers within the supply chain module.

    2. Viewer: This roles give an individual permission to view and interact with all dashboards and interactive tools. This user does not have the ability to make changes to the profile. Additionally, this individual can view suppliers within the supply chain module.

  2. Admin: This is the most privileged role. This individual can create profiles, access all profiles, edit profiles, add users, change user roles, reset user invitations, access the supply chain module, add suppliers, delete suppliers, and edit suppliers. Additionally, this individual can add, edit, and delete suppliers within the supply chain module.

  3. Assessor: This role is restricted to only the supply chain module. This individual can add and edit suppliers.

If there is a permission issue, then please contact your X-Analytics application admin.

Your X-Analytics application admin is someone in your organization that was assigned admin privileges to the X-Analytics application. This person can assign and edit user roles.

Admin instructions are below.

Step 1: Select My Organization

Within the X-Analytics application, select My Organization from the main navigation bar.

Step 2: Create New User and Define Role

Within the My Organization page, under Users, select the + symbol.

After selecting the + symbol, then input the email address of the individual you intend to invite to the X-Analytics application.

Under Role, assign a role to the email address. This can be User, Admin, or Assessor. Please see above for role descriptions.

Select Send Invite.

Step 3: Edit User Role

Within the My Organization page, under Users, find the user you need to edit, and select pencil symbol (for edit).

After selecting the edit option, the Edit User Account window will open, modify role, and select Save.

Special Note: If selecting the User role, then you will need to assign the User to all profiles or only select profiles. For each profile, you will need to select Edit or View.

Step 3: Edit User Access Settings

Within the My Organization page, under Users, find the user you need to edit, and select pencil symbol (for edit).

After selecting the edit option, the Edit User Account window will open, select Access Settings.

After selecting Access Settings, the Edit Access Settings window will open. Select either Disable Account or Delete Permanently, and then select Confirm.

If this support page did not provide the answer you need, please return back to X-Analytics Support.


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